CARFAX, Inc التطبيقات

CARFAX Find Used Cars for Sale 5.0
New from CARFAX: Search millions of used cars from over 28,000 usedcar dealers!
CARFAX Car Care App 3.30.0
View your car’s service records and find out when maintenance isdue.
CARFAX for Dealers 2.11.0
Get CARFAX Vehicle History Reports on your lot, at trade-in oratany auction. Scan or enter Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN)andget CARFAX Reports instantly. Note: CARFAX dealer subscribersonly(contract rates apply). Not for accounts purchased downloading the CARFAX mobile app published byCARFAX, Inc., youconsent to the installation of this app and to itsfuture updatesand upgrades. You may withdraw consent at any time byuninstallingthe app. You acknowledge and agree that this app(including anyupdates or upgrades) may (i) cause your device toautomaticallycommunicate with CARFAX’s servers to deliverfunctionalitydescribed here and to record usage metrics, (ii)affect app-relatedpreferences or data stored in your device, and(iii) collectinformation, as set out in our privacy statement. Tolearn more,please contact us at Carfax, Inc., 5860 Trinity Parkway,Suite 600,Centreville VA 20120. FEATURES: EVALUATE ON-THE-GO ScanVINbarcodes to get CARFAX Reports (Android 2.1+), or enterVINsmanually. KEEP FAVORITES View recently purchased CARFAX Reportsforcars you may consider buying. START NOW Use yourCARFAXOnline.comlogin (contract rates apply).
CARFAX for Police 1.3.59
Built Exclusively for Law Enforcement Agencies